Platinum plated anode and Platinum Plated titanium cathodes are using in ionization machine or process. We, Tiaano supplied Platinized anodes and Platinized cathodes for ionization industry to Indian and abroad customers. Ionization process takes place on passing of the current through the electrodes. The dissolved minerals get attracted either to the positive or negative electrode, therefore one of the chambers will have acidic water while the other will have alkaline water. The alkaline water is for drinking purpose, whereas the acidic water is for disinfecting or sterilizing purposes.
Why Platinum Plated Anodes required for Ionization Process?
Platinum is an impetus, and is expected to accelerate the electrolysis. With the water ionizers changing the water so definitely by ignoring the water the terminals, the ionization cycle wouldn't happen without a speeder-upper.
The Platinised Titanium cathodes make the ionization, the terminal cell is the core of an ionizer. It comprises of a progression of cathodes (plates), each isolated by a layer. The Platinized Titanium Mesh Anode is for the most part utilized, on the grounds that it has remarkable down to earth execution, for example, solid capacity of ionization discharge, great trade of electrolyte, close design and light weight, and so on.
We (Tiaano) offer Platinized Anodes for Water Ionizer:-
Platinum Plated Titanium Mesh Anode and Cathode
Platinum Titanium Sheet / Flat Anode and Cathode
Platinum coated Titanium Perforated Sheet Anode and Cathode
Platinum faced Titanium Slotted Sheet Anode and Cathode
Platinized Titanium Rod Anode and Cathode
Platinised Titanium Seamless Tube Anode and Cathode