June 14, 2021 at 3:37 PMPlatinised

In organic and inorganic chemical industry platinum is widely used as the anode and Cathode in a number of electrochemical processes. Platinum is preferred on an anode's outer surface because it is highly resistant to corrosion and can ensure current flow in most electrolyte media without leading to the formation of an insulating layer on itself. Because it doesn’t corrode, it doesn’t produce corrosion products and hence the consumption rate is extremely low.


Platinum is the most active metal for any electro chemical or electrolysis process due to its current conducting property. Platinum being the most costly material logical utilization of Platinum for the greater value ensures economical solution. Platinized Anodes is none but a rational utilization of platinum by plating limited quantity on to titanium to achieve the same result as using platinum metal.


Platinized Titanium anodes or Platinized Titanium electrodes can be operated at very high current densities. 75Amps per dm² are typical. All of the current flows from the platinum plated / coated portion of the anode surface.


For quantitative electro-chemical analysis in laboratories, Platinum Electrodes of various types are used. Generally, Electrodes are made of platinum and Iridium alloy for added mechanical strength which ensure long period of trouble free service. Electrode are usually made of expanded mesh having opening size 7 mm x 13 mm. This provides bigger surface than area equal weight of plain or perforated platinum sheet and allows the electrolyte to circulate much more easily. For most electro-chemical analysis, expanded mesh cathode is most satisfactory while a small size of similar anode is used if an anode deposit is required.


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