November 15, 2022 at 9:57 AMPlatinised

High purity water production has traditionally used a combination of membrane separation and ion exchange processes. EDI is a process which combines semi-impermeable membrane technology with ion-exchange media to provide a high efficiency demineralization process.

Electro dialysis employ electrical current and specially-prepared membranes which are semi permeable to ions based on their charge, electrical current, and ability to reduce the ions based to their charge. Through electro dialysis an electrical potential transports and segregates charged aqueous species. The electrical current is used to continuously regenerate the resin, eliminating the need for periodical regeneration.

What is the DI system?

Deionization (DI) filters exchange positive hydrogen and negative hydroxyl molecules for positive and negative contaminant molecules in water. DI filtering and other processes are sometimes referred to as "water polishing."

What are the uses of deionization?

Deionization removes dissolved particles such as salt (sodium chloride), minerals, carbon dioxide, organic contaminants, and other impurities from water. It is a purification process used in both industrial applications and potable water production for human and industrial use.

Why is deionized water used?

Deionised water is commonly used in engine cooling systems as the low level of mineral content means there is minimal scale build up, thus prolonging the life of the system. It is also often used to top up lead-acid batteries.


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